How about no

Mar 12, 2008

Mock draft or not, if Nikita Filatov was to be drafted by the Maple Leafs, I'd literally slip into some sort of chronic depression. Honest to blog. The Laffs do not deserve such a jem :O
Sure, Niki in Canada would be great, really, but 'cmon. Not the Leafs.

I still am looking forward to seeing who drafts him though :D LETS ALL HOPE THE LEAFS MAKE SOME SORT OF BURST TO GET HIGHER IN THE STANDINGS. To get a crappier pick? ;)
Anyway. Whichever team (excluding Toronto, Carolina, Anaheim -- who won't get him anyway -- Pitsburgh...) drafts him will have my love. I can't waiiiiiiiit to see him in the NHL, no matter how long it may take for him to play his 1st game.

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