It's a meracle
Dec 21, 2007
Last night's game went by quickly. I barely remember any of it -- apart from Streit's goal. Why his goal in particular? I have no clue. It just lodged into my brain somehow.
At one point, I was so preoccupied with practicing my wristshot (I was watching the game in the garage at the same time) that I didn't even notice Marshmellow's* 2nd goal. My brother and I turned to TV with a minute left in the second period and went, "Oh. When the hell did it become 3-1?"
Yep. It was special.
All in all, everything went well hockey-wise last night. Montreal won, Toronto lost and Atlanta won (which means Ottawa lost HAHAHA not so good now are ya??).
Yayyyy life.
Well, I better get ready for my hockey practice. Wooo. I'll be able to show Van how shweet my wristshot skills are. TRY TO SAVE THIS SHOT, GIIIIRL. Bwahahaha.
*Marshmellow is but one of the many nicknames I've given to Guillaume Latendresse. "Guillaume", to me, sounds alot like the french word "guimauve". "Guimauve" means "marshmellow", sooo yeah. You catch my drift.
Nicknames for other players:
Special K -- Tom Kostopoulous
Swiss Cheese -- Mark Streit
Chips -- Kyle Chipchura
Turtle-nec -- Tomas Plekanec
Tenderloin, Letender, Tender, Guimauve, Marshmeller -- Guillaume Latendresse
Shnoze -- Alex Kovalev (I know, I's mean)
And more! :)
Labels: montreal canadiens, players, win
It's awesome you can play hockey, too. I am reduced to a spectator because I can barely keep my balance on solid ground, let alone on ice and skates!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Yeah, playing is great. My only regret is that I didn't start playing earlier. This year is only my first year.
But it's never too late to start!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
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